Can you feel that?
The air is so still.
The ribbons in the sky don't dance like they used to.
Are we holding in our breath all at once? Anticpating life to happen to us?
To look put together and terrified inside is the most common display of functional suffocation. Do we even know what it's like to breathe fully? Deeply? Seemlessly? Gallantly? I believe we are starting to understand the difference between living with hollow chests, and letting the wind engulf our bodies down to our toes. The world is calling us to know the distinction amongst displaced anger, and passionate rage that ornates change.
Do you hear the calling? This calling that rings in the ears, and trickles down a vibration in our hearts? Are you activated? The suppleness of freedom is knocking on our door. The sweetness of true, naked expression is massaging the soles of our feet. The hot springs of valiancy, are awaiting us to take a dip.
The ground is beginning to crack and open up to soften soil, mud, folding in itself. We must know the materials, broken down to bare minerals. A drought has to come. It must. Of love, belonging, identity of things, and us. How else will the grounds we walk on dry up to solid ground? This breaking, and mending, and drying, and fortifying is the work.
To know what paths we are willing to stand firm on, is to know the dirt, to have seen it in all of its forms, and to say "I know what this and I are made of".